Coventry 4 Good Grant Scheme

Coventry 4 Good Grant Scheme

VAC/Coventry 4 Good Round 4 opens for applications

We are delighted to announce that the fourth round of Coventry 4 Good/ Voluntary Action Coventry funding is now open to applications.

The grant programme aims to support small voluntary and community organisations with an income of less than £10,000 p.a. to buy resources or to deliver activities that benefit communities in need in the city.  The funding is open to voluntary and community groups, local charities, and other not for profit organisations with charitable objectives based in Coventry.

Grants can be used to enhance and enable your group’s projects and activities.  For example; to buy new toys for a parent and toddler group, pay for room hire or catering to continue the running of a luncheon club or towards hiring a minibus to take care-home residents on a daytrip.

In this round grants are available up to £200. 

The application form and fund guidelines are available on request from: 

The deadline for applications is 10am on 25th January 2019

Successful applicants will be invited to attend a presentation event on 8th February 2019

Take a look at our Success Stories to see which groups were funded in the first and second rounds. 

Coventry 4 Good Grant Scheme - First awards

Councillor Faye Abbott and Coventry 4 Good Champion Rachael Mackintosh presented the very first Coventry 4 Good grants on Friday 19th June 2015 at a Funding Fair held at Voluntary Action Coventry, 29 Warwick Road, Coventry.

The Coventry 4 Good initiative ensures that all the money raised in Coventry stays in Coventry and goes towards helping small volunteer led groups continue their work.  Rachael Mackintosh, Coventry 4 Good champion and regular volunteer at Coventry 4 Good events has been instrumental in helping to raise funds for the Coventry 4 Good grant scheme. Rachael said ‘It was great to be able to present the awards and meet the groups that I have been fundraising to support and to find out how they will use the grants to make a difference to the lives of people in Coventry.’