The Coventry University & Coventry 4 Good Community Grant contributed to the costs of running two cohorts of Radio Plus’s Routes to Employment media and job readiness training scheme and piloting a scheme with Coventry University to bring together young people and Broadcasting undergraduates.
The first cohort was held during May and June 2016 and ran for 13 days over 7 weeks with six unemployed or NEET young people completing the course. All of the young people developed transferable media skills such as research, written and verbal communication, interviewing, editing, IT, team work and broadcasting, as well as honing their job application and interview skills. They were joined for the final two weeks by four Coventry University 2nd year Broadcasting undergraduates. To help raise aspirations, the students spoke with the young people about what they have learned on their degree course. In the penultimate week, the young people and students visited the FabLab, where they used the equipment and recorded some interviews in preparation for a live show.
Of the young people that participated in the scheme, most believed that the course would improve their job prospects. One has subsequently got a job and two others have secured interviews as a result of the CV writing and job application coaching provided. Two participants have been offered volunteering opportunities with Radio Plus to sustain their development and progress towards the job market.
The next cohort is due to start in October and Radio Plus expects more undergraduates to be available and for some to be interested in volunteering with them for the duration of the academic year. They expect this to provide the evidence needed to change the Professional Experience module of the BA Journalism course to include a community component.
To view the final report click here.